Solutions for Analytics

Timely Analytics for On-the-Spot Insight.


Monitor Your Business Performance with Built-In Key Performance Indicators

You need a variety of trusted information to run your business effectively and to provide insight that supports strategic decision-making. QAD Analytics includes flexible built-in metrics, role-specific operational dashboards, and advanced analytics using multiple data sources.


  • Business Intelligence: Make better, faster strategic decisions by looking at unified data from multiple sources.
  • Mobile BI: QAD Mobile BI runs on any mobile device.
  • Operational Metrics: Make decisions for leaner and more efficient operations with a dashboard of the company’s vital signs.
  • Reporting Framework: Create and run forms and reports with an intuitive drag-and-drop designer.
  • Workflow Alerts: Ensure information flows to the responsible individuals with alerts and notifications.

Processs & Preformance

  • Business Process Management: Document, automate, manage, analyze and improve your processes.
  • Performance Monitoring Framework: Observe and react to performance patterns and trends over time.


O nas

Podjetje smo ustanovili s poslanstvom: S poslanstvom: ponuditi proizvajalcem specializiran in cenovno ugoden proizvodni sistem ERP, skupaj z izvajanjem najboljših poslovnih praks v panogi.

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About us

We started the company with the mission: To offer manufacturers specialized and affordable manufacturing ERP system, together with the implementation of the industry best business practices.

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